Sunday 10 July 2011

Breaking the Soil

Huzzah! It has happened! I see little bits of green!! The first picture is of my lettuce and the second is of my beets. Joy! That hardly took any time at all. =)!!!

Also, after a rather violent transplanting, my tomato plant is growing upwards. And I have beer.

Pride parade was today. Stomped around on the grasses, looked at pretty rainbow balloons (and t-shirts and wrist bands and pants and head pieces and hooolahoooops.) Made a possible deal with a pretty lady whom makes hoops. I put yarn in her hair for burning man and she makes me a custom hoop in trade. I am pretty excited! 
Yay, Pride! Always an entertaining time. My tallest had never been, it makes me happy to show him things he hasn't seen already living his rockstar life. Also met up with Tarasarus and had coffee. Only a few months until Matthew Good. (Yum!) I have pixie hair (pictures soon) and very little responsibility for the next two weeks. Time to start downsizing my stuff and quitting smoking.

It's wonderful to be relaxed.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

You suck!

I am trying to make suckers. It sucks. Four batches I have ruined now. FOUR! That's fourty possible happymaking treats burnt to an ick. Not really sure what I am doing wrong... Just can't seem to get it to the hard crack stage. Here are some pictures of the progress.

Now I'm off to watch endless youtube videos and read candy makers forums until I find my answers!

(Super exciting to get two posts in one day! zomg.)

p.s. The Chupa Chups logo was designed in 1969 by artist Salvador DalĂ­.

In Pixie Time

Last I posted about how I am going to start a new garden! Well, I was digging away at the spot I had chosen and started to find broken glass and a diaper. Unhappymaking! My next step was to call up my landloards to ask if I might start a garden somewhere else on the property... their answer was no. Growl!
If you don't know much about this pixie, let me teach you something now; she gets distracted. I've done a lot of wonderful things in the last few weeks! (Fine.. months..) Lit things on fire, made costumes, played with friends and my tallest. I have an interview coming up at an adorible bakery that makes cupcakes! It's called Cupcakes! Oh the many, many wonderfuls.
Today, which is the 5th of July, 2011, I decided to grow things and write about them again.

This entire adventure is about a spontanious desire for growth.

I could have put my mind to it and created a garden box, and there is still a chance that I will, but for now I want to them to sprout so I have the incentive to do such things. This is why, when I discovered the seeding trays, I devoted all of my energy to planting today.

Even my tomato made it into it's As-Seen-On-TV upside down tomato planter!

I have planted Beets, Carrots, Lettuce and Zucchini. I am really not expecting much, but I hope they at least brake the soil. It would be so nice to have lettuce growing outside that I can just go grab and make a salad. I have a terrible time eating a whole head before it goes slimey in my fridge.. you know, the distraction thing...
..silly pixie..
Now I just sit back and wait. I've been out on the deck a few times this afternoon to reposition them to get optimal sunlight. I think I've found the perfect place! I can taste fresh zucchini soup already.
What do you mean 65 days!!!???
Well, maybe by then I'll have posted again! ;) Bye!

Oooh! OoOh! And it's FIVE MONTHS until my birthday!!!!!! The plan is to go to the bug zoo.
I heart bugs.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Against all odds...

Well, I'm new to this.
January 2nd, 2011, I moved into a new place. I was desperate at the time and turned to Craigslist for people seeking roommates. I found a nice guy who arranged for me to come over and see the place. Possibly a five minute interview and I said I'd take it! Fireplace, huge kitchen, huge living room, a dishwasher and... a backyard!
Fastforward to today, puttering through Canadian Tire and impulse purchasing seeds! Six packages of potential yumminess for my tummikins!
Now for the hard part.
My first few web browsing pages pretty much told me that the place I have chosen is most unideal. This is going to take some serious pixie magic. I am going to weed out and spread enriched soil under a patch of trees in my yard. Some sunlight, roots, who knows what kind of drainage.... we'll see.
I think the best thing I can do is make sure the soil is perfect and weed/love it regularly.
Nitrogen is essential for vigorous stem and leaf growth. Sources of Nitrogen are manure, bloodmeal, bonemeal, canola meal, cottonseed meal and others.
Phosphorous is essential for strong root systems and flowering. It can increase fruit development and seed yield. Sources of Phosphorous are rock phosphate, bloodmeal, bonemeal, cottonseed meal, and urine.
Potassium is essential for cell division and strong stems. It helps fight disease, improve the quality of fruit, and decrease the water requirement of plants. Sources of Potassium are wood ashes, greensand, manure, and compost.

So as soon as I have a free evening, probably wednesday, I will start my weeding and purchase some worm poop to spread around. I will include pictures of the area and the seed packets I have in the next post. Right now, though, is Game of Thrones and a nice massage for mein Drache.